
Monday, October 26, 2015

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Nuclear icon

I visited decommissioned Fermi Unit 1 yesterday, the early sodium cooled breeder reactor named for Enrico Fermi, located near Detroit. The plant has been largely dismantled, and some "souvenirs" saved for display at a display at the nearby Monroe County Community College.

The photo shows the plant's state today. Below are a couple postcards prior to the plant's construction - an artist's conception with a portrait of Enrico Fermi and a photo of the visitors' center for the plant. 

This last card shows the completed plant, which achieved criticality in 1963 and ceased operation in 1972, and promotes Detroit as a "leader in progress" with reference to the automotive and nuclear industries:

Fermi Unit 2, a Mark I GE BWR, has operated since the late 1980s. DTE Electric received an NRC license for a potential unit 3 earlier this year using the GE Hitachi ESBWR design. The company has deferred a decision as to when it might proceed with Unit 3, but if it does the remaining structures of Unit 1 will be dismantled and removed to make way for the new unit's footprint at the site.